Monday, January 18, 2010

So Uncanny. So Grotesque.

When Erin mentioned the uncanny as the grotesque in class these train ads for Halls throat lozenges immediately sprang to mind. They're a pretty recent addition to the regional rails and they're just so unnerving. Every time I ride the train these days I can't help but think about those placid smiles, the blank, glassy stares and just feel uncomfortable. There's just something off, like the models in the ads are just shy of being real people, almost, but not quite. So next time you decide to ride the rails, take quick look and see if these glassy eyed weirdos are staring right through you, you shan't be disappointed.

~Henry Steinberg

1 comment:

  1. her nose also seems as it might be larger, redder, and the central focus of her face...
