Thursday, February 11, 2010

The Fog of War

This is a collection of photographs of people wounded in war before the advent of modern plastic surgery. I know I've heard about how modern surgery has been able to save a lot of people in Iraq who would have died in previous wars. The flip side is that more soldiers are coming home disfigured. These pictures were somewhat sobering in revealing that this isn't solely a modern problem. Its seems grotesque to me how monstrous these soldier appear. Its easy as an observer to comfort one's by reasoning that these soldiers should be happy to just be alive given their injuries. I think the scary question that always lingers in the back of your head is how possible is it for these people to return to any form of normalcy?


1 comment:

  1. Absolutely freakishly awesomely gross..

    The tubey one is the strangest.... It is so odd to see how something once used to repair soldiers and prevent infections is now used for vanity purposes.


