Sunday, April 25, 2010

A friend of mine is in an animation class and was talking to me about Anime porn... a concept that is seemingly weird. Sexualized cartoons?! Abominable!

Then I got to thinking about a lot of the superheroes of my youth. They were muscular, barely clothed, and victims of the unflattering, squatting crotch view.

From the top:

1. A very sexy WonderWoman with killer lips and a whip.
2. Thundercats... I never got if these were bodysuits? They don't have private parts... This reminds me of the movie Dogma.
3. The Silver Surfer is also penis-less.
4. Dr. Manhattan from Watchmen. These illustrators didn't screw around. He had a penis and it was quite prevalent (and distracting) in the film that came out last year.


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