Tuesday, February 9, 2010

Do Not Eat Near These Pictures

A teratoma is a tumor that contains normal human tissues. Found most commonly in the ovaries and testicles, teratomas are capable of growing hair, teeth, bones and sometimes limbs. They contain tissue that resembles brain, liver and lung tissues. Some cases have even reported finding embryos encapsulated within a teratoma... yep, that is correct, a pregnant tumor. Most recently, in October 08, a doctor removed a brain tumor only to find it housed feet and slightly developed body parts.

In some cases, teratomas are confused with parasitic twins, conjoined twins where one "parasite" half-formed body feeds off of the life of another fully human body.

Besides the obvious reasons, teratomas are grotesque because they resemble the monsters I used to imagine that lived under my bed.

Without completely rewording the entire articles, I would definitely check out some of these wikiPages... this is some weird shit.

Enjoy your lunches friends,
Ali Blum

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