Sunday, March 14, 2010

Kim Jones

At Pierogi Gallery in Billyburg, NY there is a show of Kim Jones. His works strike me as pretty unique. He's probably the kind of artist who is really messy and doesn't really care about having polished work, but instead seems to have made his life and his art interchangeable. I say this because he draws on works done in adolescence to use in his works of 50 years later. Kim's artistic process seems more central to his work rather than progress (even though process is a progression, but you get what I mean). So he doesn't really limit his resources, past and present, for the sake of being edgy (fuck you lady gaga). I'd like to see his process book! Kim's performance art included covering himself in mud, putting black nylon on his head and an array of sticks and tape on his back and walked around public area. Appropriately, he dubbed this performance alter-ego 'mudman' (not pictured) :-( ~~~~~AL~~~~~)-:

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