Wednesday, March 31, 2010

Memories.... like the corners of my mind...

Just like every other Jewish kid in America, I spent most of my summers attending overnight camp. (Camp Saginaw... near Longwood Gardens.) It was just as pot-induced and hippie circled as every movie portrays. I think most of our parents sent us there to get the sexual education they were too embarrassed to give us. And of course there was the occasional sneak out to boys' camp, but it was all innocent fun. Sometimes we would force our parents to drive us out to camp during the school year because we missed it so much. Getting my drivers license was a huge deal because it meant that we could drive there ourselves and hang out without our parents.
I had turned sixteen and of course, my first road trip was to camp. After driving for an hour or so, we reached the gates only to find them locked and chained and covered by a banner reading "Camp Crucible." I knew that the owner rented out the camp to other groups in the off season. Defeated, we turned around and went home. After some significant Googling, we found out that Camp Crucible is an S&M camp for adults. We found pictures on the website, and our response was something along the lines of "Ew! I eat off those tables" and "No way I'm ever swimming in that pool again." Needless to say, I did get a sexual education at camp. It was horrifying and hilarious, but mainly, it was grotesque.


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