Thursday, March 25, 2010

Placenta, the other white meat...

I read this article in TIME magazine a while back about how mothers are utilizing the medicinal benefits of placenta to fight postpartum depression. Apparently, there is a woman who comes to your house, cooks it and dehydrates it into pill form. I found the article here. Other recipes I found included placenta lasagna, placenta power shakes and placenta polenta (I made that last one up for comedic effect). You can also eat it raw or dried. Apparently, it also helps to soothe menopausal symptoms. Here is a video about eating placenta... I how the man rolls his "r"s.

I also found a link to artists who make placenta prints. That is, they take a fresh placenta and stamp it onto a page to form patterns and designs. My favorite link is here.


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