Monday, January 18, 2010

A Sticky Subject

In the grimy cupholder of my rusty Camry sat an old Wawa water bottle. My friends and I would spit our old gum into the liter, depositing these sticky toll payments daily. Eventually, gum wads began to pile up. Shades of green, blue, white, pink and yellow stuck together, and their effect slightly resembled Monet's Water Lilies. My mother, however, failed to recognize my impressionistic masterpiece and hastily trashed it.
"That is grotesque" she screamed.
"Isn't that an opinion?" I thought.

In a world where art is subjective, "grotesque" is a relative term.

Chew on this Wiki article on Bubble Gum Alley in San Luis Obispo! Fashionable, fantastical or just plain gross?

-Ali Blum

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