Tuesday, January 26, 2010

Baby Rosalina

Wow, I cannot articulate how much I love this book, On Ugliness. The images are so beautiful (somehow) and everything just seems to flow so well and still be reminiscent of other things I've read. I plan on posting more about it in the coming days because there's some really cool stuff I need to show everybody. For now, I am looking at the pictures on page 65 of the mummies in the Capuchin catacombs and I was reminded of things I'd learned about in seventh grade. With a little help from google, I found I was spot on. So... has anybody ever heard of the mummy of Baby Rosalina? There are tons of sites that discuss it, but here is just the first one I found. Basically, she is just this perfectly preserved little baby girl in the Palermo Catacombs. Rosalina Lombardo died in 1920 but she looks like she's just sleeping to this day. Eerie? Yes. Beautiful? Yes. Grotesque? I'll leave that up to you to decide. Nonetheless, it just had me thinking more about what constitutes ugliness and how something can be both compelling and off-putting. Here's some links.


and here

Oh, and if any of you want to look up more about her, it's kind of unfortunate that the character in Mario Kart is also Baby Rosalina. Oh well...


1 comment:

  1. Yesterday, I accidentally found a picture of Rosalina. I thought it was a doll at first.
    I don`t know why, but this child has gave me this most strange feeling.

    I don`t think she is grotesque. I think she is gorgeous. But the fact that she died and still remains in that perfect form kinda makes me ask myself how was her dead.

    And what book is it that you talk about?:)
