Wednesday, April 28, 2010

Crashes! Pt. 2

Just wanted to throw up an update on the crash that Lee Peters got in at the finish line. I found some pictures online that don't show the bulk of the crash, but still show a pretty interesting progression. What's interesting is to look at the crowd's reactions.

Note the finish line. What a shame.


Tuesday, April 27, 2010

Final one

Here's my last one,

I'll miss you guys.


Poach this!

I remember earlier in class we were talking about Manya Schepps (I don't know if i spelt that right at all!) but I remembered that I had perused her site before and I thought that it would be especially apropos of this blog and this class to post a link to at least the news/surf club section so heres a sneak peak of what's inside:

Click here to enter


Because they...could? wait thats not right, I don't think they can...

Watch this:

You may not be the same again.


Oh Craigslist...

Nuff said...


Disgustingly cute



The other day I was stumbling around the internet and I found pictures of these, which i think are very, very interesting and beautiful, but at the same time make my skin crawl.


Hey there fancy pants!

Here is a song that I think that everyone should hear at least once, and its so great, and weird, it sounds bouncy and bubbly but the you listen to the words and you realize that its not really, its actually quite a depressing song, so yeah listen to it!


This is fun little diversion that I found online, you basically try to turn the whole world into zombies by infecting everyone, so basically, ZOMBIES.


Mother's Love

Mothers are supposed to be legendary for the length they'll go to protect their children. That's why this post seems little strange and grotesque. This link is a mother throwing knives at her children.

Monday, April 26, 2010

Big Pimple Pimping

Honestly one of my favorite morning activities is popping zits. I think its really cool, but this takes the cake

Snickers From Hell

This to me is grotesque, some things just shouldn't be deep fried


M.I.A's video for "Born Free" gets pretty serious, Its supposed to be a look at the violence normally committed against minorities.

M.I.A, Born Free from ROMAIN-GAVRAS on Vimeo.

More Bicycle Crashes

Keeping in line with my posts of bicycle crashes, I would like to show you my most recent bruises but I don't think I can since most of my road rash is on my butt. It was very painful skidding across the ground on my butt for a few feet, but luckily, no one went over top of me. My bike shorts, however, were absolutely destroyed and I was indecent for a while longer. Then, when the medic had to clean me up, I was left mooning the entire field as they came down a hill. Boy, what fun!

Anyways, the worse crash happened to one of the guys competing for the yellow jersey (the overall winner of the conference). It's been a fierce battle between a rider from Penn and a rider from University of Vermont, and this weekend, it finally ended (Penn's Max Korus won!). Anyways, there was this horrific accident as the other kid was crossing the finish line. In the sprint to the end, his foot came unclipped from his pedal and he skidded off the road, tumbling multiple times. I wasn't there to witness it, but apparently it was as unsettling and just plain horrifying as anything anybody there has seen. I haven't found any pictures of the crash online (yet), but here's the picture of him crossing the finish line in second place. Pretty chilling in its own regard:


Creepy Church Song Redux

My roommates have brought an equally disturbing Christian rock video to my attention. Nothing as creepy as Lil Markie, but almost. This one features similarly ominous lyrics ("Jesus will zap you any way he can" wtf???) overlaid with happy-go-lucky music. The band is called "Sonseed" apparently (again, wtf??? yay for unintentionally creepy Christian wordplay). And the 70's style clothing doesn't make it any less unsettling.

Alfred Schnitke

My friend just sent this to me. Russians have always had wonderful artistic sensibilities. This opinion is well supported by this video. Yes, it is 'long' clip, but friends, at the very least skip to 5:23 minutes into the clip.


Creepy Church Song

I'm not entirely sure what makes this video so creepy. It's probably a combination of the bad 80's music, the atmosphere, the unintentionally ominous lyrics, and, last but not least, the voice that busts in at 1:08. I don't really want to ruin the surprise of seeing the video for the first time, so that's about all that I'm going to say. Please tell me you all find this as terrifying as I do.

Sunday, April 25, 2010

Beauty Disabled

So, a friend has reminded me of the UK reality series Britain's Missing Top Model and I thought I'd share.

And some images that I have collected that struck me as similar:

A friend of mine is in an animation class and was talking to me about Anime porn... a concept that is seemingly weird. Sexualized cartoons?! Abominable!

Then I got to thinking about a lot of the superheroes of my youth. They were muscular, barely clothed, and victims of the unflattering, squatting crotch view.

From the top:

1. A very sexy WonderWoman with killer lips and a whip.
2. Thundercats... I never got if these were bodysuits? They don't have private parts... This reminds me of the movie Dogma.
3. The Silver Surfer is also penis-less.
4. Dr. Manhattan from Watchmen. These illustrators didn't screw around. He had a penis and it was quite prevalent (and distracting) in the film that came out last year.



Crocodile Bite

Spider Bite

Shark Bite

Atrox Snake Bite

Camel Spider Bite

Cute Bite

Snake Bite, Duh

Skank Bite

Have you ever gotten bitten by something? Chances are you have, although we've all had mosquito bites, those shouldn't count, since it's more like a little man stabbing you with a little syringe. If that's the definition we'll go with, then I've also gotten bitten by my doctor. But no, I'm talking fangs, I'm talking Jaws here. Better keep your wounds clean or you'll have more than torn flesh on your plate. I'm about to meet my mom for dinner, so that actually does mean torn flesh on my plate at a restaurant. mmm. Anyway, if the world was without fangs and jaws, it certainly would be a very different place, wouldn't it? I can't imagine it.


you're... Pregnant!??

So basically what this is is a blog made by a friend of mine that posts pictures of pregnant men, non-men, women, couples etc. Some of them are funny some are touching, others are just pretty weird, but mostly they're just great, so have a looksee.

For more, heres the link:



Now I know this isn't exactly something I should be posting to the blog, but seriously this thing on the back of my hand is weird, and pretty gross, sorta crusty and stuff, I don't know what it is, but ewwwwwwwwwww


Friday, April 23, 2010

I had to watch a lot of Deadwood for another class that I'm in and I have to say its a rather incredible show, and something about it that I think makes it especially apt for this blog is that it so completely at ease with the sheer amount of gore that it shows on screen. The violence in the show is outrageous. Yet, at the same time wholly common place, at first it might be a bit much to take, but then as the series progresses it just becomes another set-piece against which the action is set, the barbarism becomes totally natural. Then as you watch you start to realize what exactly it is you're watching again and all of a sudden it hits you how the show has desensitized you, in a way, to the violence, and that in and of itself is horrifying, its this sort of magnificent realization that a show can actually, somehow, do violence to you.


Thursday, April 22, 2010

Justin Beiber, Simply Ludicrous

Watch it. Live it. Love it.

And the fact that Luda is in it is pretty grotesque.


Poor Guy

This is a nice write up for this image: Ty, after being severely disfigured by a bomb blast came home to an 18 yr old sweetheart who stuck by his side during the most traumatic period of his life. Shortly thereafter, they were married. Today I found out they have been divorced since January. There is no bitterness between the two and they both still care for each very much, but realized that they were too young to be married.


Wednesday, April 21, 2010

Malevich and Me

So in addition to my own penis men, Malevich seemed to be getting at the same thing, his execution however is much better and the product looks much more like people. I think the statement he's making about the anonymity of Russian peasants is there. He's decided to make this statement by blanking out their faces and to add to it, they look rather alien and are really hard to relate to. I personally feel at a loss and rather uneasy looking at these characters. These are the same feelings I hoped would be experienced at the sight of my pud people. 


Tuesday, April 20, 2010

Sometimes our obsession with pop culture icons is a bit obsessive... Who could resist that smooth-skinned baby face?

I am not sure if this video qualifies as being grotesque, but I mentioned it in class and figured Chris and Colby would enjoy it. (I know you guys are huge fans.)


Requiem for a Dream

I could have sworn that I posted something about this but I don't think I did. Anyways, I just wanted to throw out this movie for anybody that hasn't seen it (Requiem for a Dream, that is). It's disturbing on many levels as it reveals the addictions of those around us (heroin, prescription drugs, television, weight, sex, fame, money, probably a few more). It's extremely poignant and I feel like most that watch it feel such an overwhelming feeling of despair by the end that they aren't sure if they would ever watch it again, regardless of how much they liked it as a film. I can't recommend it enough, but you just need to know what you are getting yourself into before watching. Beautiful cinematography, one of the best scores of any film I've ever seen, and as emotion-invoking as just about any piece of art I have ever encountered. Simply beautiful. And grotesque.


Sunday, April 18, 2010

Pretty Girls and Bruises

Once a while ago in class we were talking about a style of fashion that couples medical fetishism with teen fashion. While not able to find any examples of Tokyo street fashion that reflects this I have found numerous artists that have utilized this uncomfortable juxtaposition in their work. Here are some selections.

Romain Slocombe

Trevor Brown

It's interesting (but somewhat unsurprising) to note that both of these artists are men (French and British, respectively) currently living in Japan. I'm curious if any Japanese artists (beyond Izima Kaoru who I mentioned in another post) or female artists are drawn to portray Japanese women as hyper-sexualized post-violence or if this is merely an outlet of ex-pat male fantasy. Not that I'm knocking it...not really. If the amazing Jarboe approves then who am I to judge?