Tuesday, April 6, 2010

War, The stuff you don't see

This is video is taken from wiki-leaks. Its a video of a engagement in Iraq between US forces and a group of armed Iraqis. A child ends up getting hurt in the crossfire, and there is some question as to the severity of the initial threat. The violence's grotesque nature is obvious. What's interesting to be is the tendency to views situations like this in absolutes. Its like Jack Nicholson said in A Few Good Men, we as a society can't handle the truth. People are either for War or against it. In many ways being an American mean's to be a profiteer of the American War machine. Aside from the fact that it helps to fuel the economy, commodities that we take for granted, random things like everything from the internet to can foods were original used for war. At the same time should we because of these luxuries accept the death of children and innocent people? Why is that the death of a Iraqi child worst than the death of a soldier, when some of these soldiers are only 18 years old?

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