Friday, April 23, 2010

I had to watch a lot of Deadwood for another class that I'm in and I have to say its a rather incredible show, and something about it that I think makes it especially apt for this blog is that it so completely at ease with the sheer amount of gore that it shows on screen. The violence in the show is outrageous. Yet, at the same time wholly common place, at first it might be a bit much to take, but then as the series progresses it just becomes another set-piece against which the action is set, the barbarism becomes totally natural. Then as you watch you start to realize what exactly it is you're watching again and all of a sudden it hits you how the show has desensitized you, in a way, to the violence, and that in and of itself is horrifying, its this sort of magnificent realization that a show can actually, somehow, do violence to you.


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